The islands
When you come to our beautiful area do not forget to visit:
the island of NOIRMOUTIER,
you can take the car in Passage du Gois at low tide, this road is the emblem of the island.
You will have the feeling of entering another world .You will discover the salt marshes, small fishing port, wild coasts, beaches, small white houses; you can breathe the sea air.
île d’YEU
To get there you can either take the boat from Fromentine or St Gilles.
L’Ile d’ Yeu focuses on its 23 square kilometers of land mass, a wide variety of sites to discover.
Many prehistoric remains were kept there: dolmens, menhirs, stone wells. Built on a rocky island, the Old Castle will make you dive into the period of invasions between the fourteenth to the seventeenth century.
Strongly marked by its maritime history, you will discover numerous monuments, lighthouses, beacons, small ports, …
The Fishing Museum is a must to understand the land compared to the sea.
From south to north-east of the island, you will pass a rocky coastline and a dune Breton landscapes reminiscent coast of the island belonging to the Vendee.
Take time to walk or bike to discover the beauty of these natural sites